On Saturday November 6, 2021, the AATF-Houston chapter held a general meeting of its members followed by a Café Pédagogique.
We were delighted to welcome Mme Bettina Gardelles, Attachée Culturelle of the Consulate General of France in Houston. She shared information on resources available to teachers through the services of the Consulate, including current exhibits of French artists, the Villa Albertine program and the online visits of French monuments.
The Houston Chapter Executive Committee proposed revisions to its constitution, which were approved by the members in attendance: the president and vice-president’s positions will now be a 3-year term and the vocabulary was updated to match advances in new technologies.
We also celebrated our award for First Place Outstanding Large Chapter for 2021. We thanked outgoing board member Roya McArthur for her service to the AATF as Chapter President, Vice President and Treasurer. Finally, we welcomed Vanessa Do as our new Web Master.
During the Café Pédagogique, participants shared best practices, activities and tricks of the trade including oral warmups ideas and foldables. Roya showed a video of her classroom transformed into a graveyard for La Toussaint!
We all enjoyed visiting with each other in person as we snacked and drank coffee!